Applications for project support

Organisations that work for blind and partially sighted people can apply for a subsidy from the KSBS. The council will assess the application according to the following criteria.


A grant application must meet the following criteria:

  • Projects should directly benefit blind and partially sighted people.
  • Projects should be aimed at rehabilitation and/or learning to live with the disability better, i.e. not aimed at recovery.
  • It should be clear from the application that financial support from usual sources is not possible.
  • Individual applications will not be accepted. 
  • The allocation of grants depends partially on the amount allocated annually for grants.
  • It would be appreciated if the KSBS were named as the grant provider.
  • Applications are considered four times a year.

Information for project applications

If you would like submit a project application to the KSBS, you should provide us with the following information:

1  Your details
The contact details of your organisation and the person responsible for the application.

2  Information about the project
Which specific group is your project aimed at? What is the background and reason for your project? Supply a short description of the aims and the desired results. Describe how you intend to achieve your aims. Who will benefit directly? Supply the numbers and a short description. Who will benefit indirectly? Supply the numbers and a short description. Are other bodies involved in the project? What is their role? What are the preconditions for the project’s success? When do you want to start the project and how long will it last?

3  Information about your organisation 
What is the aim of your organisation? What are your organisation’s most important activities? Who benefits directly from your activities? How many members of staff does your organisation have and in which areas?

Include up-to-date statutes, a recent annual report and a recent financial annual report.

4  Financial plan for the project 
Include a comprehensive budget and an overview of the grants applied for from other organisations. Specify how the subsidy will be divided over material and staff costs. Supply details of any personal investment and any other sources of income. Do not forget to include your bank details.

Submitting a Project Proposal 

To submit a project application, send the completed application form along with the necessary attachments to the board of KSBS via

Or by mail: PO Box 50, 5360 AB Grave.

Meeting dates

The board of KSBS will meet in 2024 on June 10th, September 9th, and December 9th. Please submit your project application no later than four weeks prior to the meeting.

Vraag subsidie aan

Werkt uw organisatie voor blinde en slechtziende mensen? Dan kunt u bij ons een subsidie aanvragen.

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Katholieke Stichting voor Blinden en Slechtzienden
Postbus 50, 5360 AB  Grave

T 06 51 63 69 27

© KSBS 2024

Ontwerp website: Weijsters & Kooij vormgevers